Wednesday, 30 April 2008

Brazilian Players in EPL

Some time back, Big V and I were debating the usual La Liga and EPL strengths and weaknesses. And then Big V said that EPL has not much class because EPL consists mostly of European players who are very physical and do not play "Beautiful Football" like South American Players.
I totally agree to the fact that few years back not much SouthAmericans were there in EPL but now a days lot of them are coming over to EPL may be because of big bucks or stardom..whatever.. but bottom line is that there are players coming from south America to EPL and to prove my point I created a list of Brazilian players part of squad of current EPL. Here is the list ..
Team Player Position
Arsenal Denílson MF
Arsenal Gilberto Silva MF
Arsenal Pedro Botelho DF
Birmingham Rafael Schmitz MF
Chelsea Alex DF
Chelsea Juliano Belletti DF
Chelsea Alcides DF
Liverpool Fábio Aurélio DF
Liverpool Lucas MF
Manchester City Geovanni MF
Manchester City Elano MF
Manchester United Anderson MF
Middlesbrough Fábio Rochemback MF
Middlesbrough Afonso Alves FW
NewCastle United Caçapa DF
Tottenham Gilberto DF

PS.. The above table is compiled using wiki.. Thanks wiki for that :)

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