Wednesday, 4 June 2008

8 Things Tag

IronBull has Tagged with this 8 thing tag, so here it goes....

8 things I am passionate about...
1) My machine (thats a cliche)
2) Computer Games (AOE)
3) Manchester United
4) Programming
5) Solving Puzzles
6) Cricket
7) My Guitar.
8) Movies/My Movie Collection.

8 things I want to do before I die...
1) Visit NASA
2) Hack a Real system
3) Write a Deadly virus
4) Visit Old Trafford and watch a game there
5) World Trip
6) Watch IMDB 250
7) Learn Gitar
8) Go regularly to gym.

8 things I say often...
1) Bhokal
2) Vahiyat
3) Pappu
4) Shit Man
5) OMG (Janice style)
6) Fuck
7) Dude
8) Mate

8 books I last read
1) Surely You're Joking, Mr. Feynman!
2) Foundation's Edge
3) Narnia Series [7 Books]
4) A Time to Kill
5) The road to Gandolfo
6) Introduction to Algorithm by Coreman
7) Head First Servlets & JSP
8) Head First Design patterns

8 songs I could listen to over and over again... (Most difficult of all, the list is pretty big)
1) Hotel California (Eagles)
2) Johnny B. Goode(Chuck Berry)
3) Stairway to Heaven (Led Zeppelin)
4) Summer Of '69 Lyrics(Bryan Adams)
5) Lemon Tree Lyrics(Fool's Garden)
6) Seven Nation Army (The White Stripes)
7) Bang Bang - My Baby Shot me down (Nancy Sinatra)
8) Complicated (Avril Lavigne)


Ashish said...

Guitar?? thats cool!!! Head First things rule so does Stairway to Heaven !!

Unknown said...

Guitar is a new passion lets see how long it lasts :)